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Torrent Malankara Orthodox Sandhya Namaskaram Full Version Rar Ebook [epub]


According to the statistics, there are about 2.77 million Malayalis in Kerala. The number is expected to cross 5 million by 2030 and 10 million by 2050. The number of people who attend prayer at a church in a typical Sunday is known to be around 1.5 lakhs. The people who attend a church's prayer service in a typical Sunday in Kerala constitute a very diverse segment of the population. The people include highly educated professionals, semi-literates, small-time shop owners, domestic helps, teachers both in government and private sectors, daily wage labourers from various parts of Kerala and from other states. Each person has his or her own levels of education and income levels. The common bond that they share is their faith in God. It is this faith that brings them to the church on a typical Sunday for offering prayers. Malankara Orthodox Church has taken it upon itself to lay down the tenets of worship in the Malankara Church. The Malankara Church has taken this charge seriously, conducting liturgical studies and prayer books development to meet the need. By allocation of funds, their own people have also done research at par with what is being done in similar fields by other churches in Kerala. Weekly prayers are conducted every Sunday during the liturgical seasons for all groups of people, without discrimination on the basis of caste, creed or religion. The Malankara Orthodox Church's prayer books and liturgical seasons follow the liturgical cycles of the Church of South India (CSI). In addition to this , there are a number of prayers which are specific to Malankara Orthodox Church that have been collected over the years from the psalms, the "Gospel" and other parts of Holy Scriptures. In addition, a series of study materials has been prepared for people to learn about their religion. Prayers and hymns have been included in this learning material. The people who visit a church's Sunday prayer service do so for various reasons. For instance, a migrant worker from UP or Bihar or an office employee from Technopark or a school teacher from Thiruvananthapuram may have different reasons for attending the service. They may have come to Malankara Church for a number of reasons. Some people come to express their gratitude to God for a good life that they have been living. Others come to seek help from God when they are going through troubles in their lives. Still others turn up at the church with the hope that by offering prayers, they would be able to get strength and courage to fight their ailments and overcome them. cfa1e77820



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